29 Nov

Data Innovation Event

Harnessing data innovation for migration policy in Europe and Africa

State of the art and future directions

  • About

    By BD4M Team
  • Agenda

    By BD4M Team
  • Speakers

    By BD4M Team
  • Blog and Resources

    By BD4M Team
  • Contact

    By BD4M Team
  • About

    The event “Harnessing data innovation for migration policy in Europe and Africa: State of the art and future directions” will be a space to reflect on how data innovation can concretely help to improve evidence on migration for policymaking, as per Objective 1 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), and obtain insights on how to overcome some of the main challenges associated with new data sources and innovative methodologies.

    The event will bring together experts in governments, international organizations, the private sector, and civil society to accelerate the use of non-traditional data sources and methods for migration-related policy in Europe and Africa. Participants will have an opportunity to:

    1. explore existing efforts in harnessing data innovation for migration analysis and policy in Europe and Africa;
    2. discuss policy priorities of European and African countries and regions driving the need for timely, robust and comprehensive evidence; and
    3. define future steps and capacities needed to develop data innovation initiatives at scale, particularly in terms of data governance.

    This event took place on 29 November 2021 at the Robert Bosch Foundation in Berlin with a hybrid format (virtual and in-person). Outcomes of the discussions will be taken forward and integrated into capacity-development programs focused on data innovation and migration over the next years.

    View the event agenda

    Blog and Resources

  • Data Innovation Event Guest...

    Strengthening CRVS Systems to Improve Migration Policy: A Promising Innovation

    Migration is one of the most pressing issues of our time and innovation for migration policy can take on several different shapes to help...

    By Tawheeda Wahabzada, Deirdre Appel
  • Data Innovation Event Guest...

    Sea level rise and migration flows in Africa: what we can learn from a recent study on Bangladesh

    Pietro De Lellis (Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, 80125 Naples,...

    By Pietro De Lellis, Manuel Ruiz Marín, Maurizio Porfiri
  • Speakers



        Disclaimer: The views expressed in this event are those of the participants and may not reflect the institutional positions of partners and donors.


        IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre

        Taubenstraße 20, 10117 Berlin

        Phone: +49 (030) 963 9851
